What is OpenCV?


Opencv is a cross-platform open-source library required for computer vision. It is used to detect and recognize faces, identify objects, classify human actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects.

OpenCV stands for Open Source Computer Vision library. It is an open-source library that was started by Gary Bradsky at Intel in 1999, and the first came out in 2000. After that, supported by Willow Garage then itseez.

OpenCV library is designed to solve many computer vision-related tasks like object detection, motion tracking, image manipulation, edge detection, shape detection, and many real-time computer vision tasks.

OpenCV is written in C++ and C programming languages. With many advancements and changes, now OpenCV library provides bindings to supports many languages like:

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. Matlab/Octave
  4. JavaScript