What Is Depth Cueing In Visualization?

Basic problem for visualization techniques is called depth cueing.

Some 3D objects are without depth information visible line and surface identification To highlight the visible lines display visible lines as dashed lines removing the invisible lines.

Depth Cueing is available in Architectural and Coordination discipline views to allow architects to better visualize their elevations and sections. This graphic display option allows you to quickly show what elements are farthest away and what elements are closest to the front of the view.
Transcript. A graphic display option called Depth Cueing allows you to control how elements that are farther away from the viewer display in section and elevation views. The depth effect is created by having objects fade into the background color with increasing distance from the viewer

Depth Cueing is available in Architectural and Coordination discipline views to allow architects to better visualize their elevations and sections.

This graphic display option allows you to quickly show what elements are farthest away and what elements are closest to the front of the view. To control the depth of the model view and improve the effectiveness of depth cueing, enable the Far Clipping parameter for the view, and specify a Far Clip Offset value.

Depth cueing…

  • applies to model elements, and graphic display effects, such as shadows and sketchy lines.
  • does not apply to annotation elements, line weight, linework, background image, or background color.

After applying depth cueing to a view, you can do the following:

  • Export the view to an image file.
  • Print the view (raster processing only).
  • Add the view to a sheet.