What is deep machine learning?

Deep learning is a different type of machine learning that trains computers to accomplish things that humans do instinctively.

Deep learning is a critical part of self-driving automobiles, allowing them to detect a stop sign or discriminate between pedestrians and lamppost. It enables voice control in electronics items such as phones, tablets, televisions, etcetera.

Deep learning has gotten a whole lot of attention recently, with good cause. It’s accomplishing previously unattainable accomplishments.

Labeled data, also known as supervised learning, can inform “deep” machine learning algorithms, but they aren’t always required.

It can consume unstructured data in its raw form (e.g., text, photos) and automatically determine the set of features that separate different data categories from one another.

Unlike machine learning, it does not require human intervention to interpret data, allowing us to scale machine learning in more exciting ways.

Deep learning is credited for speeding up computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition progress.