LAMP Stack is one of the most tech stacks to choose from for a Full-stack developer
For web service stacks, LAMP is a frequently used Full Stack architecture.
The term “LAMP” stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which are all open-source components.
Michael Kunze introduced LAMP, an open-source Web development or software development platform, in 1998. Linux is used as the operating system. The Web server is Apache. PHP (Perl or Python) is an object-oriented programming language that uses MySQL as a relational database management system.
For Linux-hosted websites, the name LAMP stack has been coined. This platform is referred to as a LAMP stack because it has four layers. Stacks can be created on a variety of operating systems. Developers can use any operating system, such as Windows, known as WAMP, Solaris, known as SAMP, and Macintosh, known as MAMP.
The Rest components operate on Linux, which is an operating system.
The Apache HTTP Server software is a web server that serves static web pages.
MySQL is a relational database management system that may be used to create and manage web databases and data warehousing, application logging, and e-commerce, among other things.
Web applications are written in programming languages such as PHP, Perl, and Python.