What is a LAMP Stack in full stack development?

LAMP Stack is one of the most tech stacks to choose from for a Full-stack developer
For web service stacks, LAMP is a frequently used Full Stack architecture.

The term “LAMP” stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which are all open-source components.

Michael Kunze introduced LAMP, an open-source Web development or software development platform, in 1998. Linux is used as the operating system. The Web server is Apache. PHP (Perl or Python) is an object-oriented programming language that uses MySQL as a relational database management system.

For Linux-hosted websites, the name LAMP stack has been coined. This platform is referred to as a LAMP stack because it has four layers. Stacks can be created on a variety of operating systems. Developers can use any operating system, such as Windows, known as WAMP, Solaris, known as SAMP, and Macintosh, known as MAMP.

  • The Rest components operate on Linux, which is an operating system.

  • The Apache HTTP Server software is a web server that serves static web pages.

  • MySQL is a relational database management system that may be used to create and manage web databases and data warehousing, application logging, and e-commerce, among other things.

  • Web applications are written in programming languages such as PHP, Perl, and Python.