What does a back end developer do?

The back end of a website is not visible to a user; it’s a program that adds functionality to the front end. So the role of a back-end developer is primarily to combine database and code to assist the front end of a website or an app.

A few popular back end languages are:

  1. PHP
  2. Ruby
  3. Pearl
  4. Java
  5. Javascript

Back-end developers use either of these languages to establish a connection between server, application, and database. As a back-end developer, it’s crucial to understand the client’s requirements beforehand and write clean code following good coding practices.

The primary responsibilities of a back-end developer are listed as follows:

  • Creating, integrating, and maintaining the database
  • Integrating web server technologies with front end
  • Securing website against external threats
  • Collaborate with front end developers to develop a seamless website
  • Cloud Integration
  • Collecting performance analytics

The back end runs a website—the user doesn’t see it or interact with it, but it is always running in the background, delivering functionality and a desktop-like experience. Back-end developers play a critical role in web development teams, and make sure that data or services requested by the front end system or software are delivered.
The back end is the combination of a database and software written in a server-side language, which is run on web servers, cloud-based servers, or a hybrid of both. In order to make the server, application, and database communicate with each other, back-end developers use languages like Python, Java to build an application, and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to find, save, or change data and serve it to the user in front end code.