What can we do if the website got penalised?

What can we do if the website got penalised?

Once you’ve narrowed it down to which algorithm update is causing the penalty, you’ll begin to formulate the recovery plan.
If you’ve been hit by Penguin, examine your backlink profile and anchor text distribution using Ahrefs.

If you think that Panda is the reason, conduct a full site audit trying to find duplicate content and site structure problems.

Once you’ve completed your recovery plan file a reconsideration request with Google. Chances that these requests will be rejected several times before it’s granted. so, you have to be patient.

As a word of recommendation, Always avoid manipulative link building strategies no matter what. Instead, check out building a natural backlink profile through a robust content strategy. Make a certain point to follow on-page SEO best practices, and compose content that’s useful, in a minimum of 500 words, and uses a mixture of generic keywords and anchor text.

Remember, the correlation of your site/ranking drop with an algorithm update doesn’t necessarily mean the update is that the cause, it might be the case that your site was hacked or infuse with malware.