What are the skills required to become an NLP engineer?

An NLP Engineer must have a thorough understanding of NLP approaches in the fields of text representation, semantic extraction techniques, data structures, and modeling. They must also be able to develop software architecture properly.

Additionally, as a Language Engineer, the ability to develop robust and testable code can greatly enhance your résumé.

NLP Engineers must have the following skills:

  • Techniques for text representation, algorithms, and statistics are all important to know.
  • Experience with Machine Translation and Compilers
  • Machine learning frameworks and libraries knowledge
  • Spark and Hadoop are two big data frameworks that you should be familiar with.
  • Skills in text classification and clustering\
  • Python, Java, and/or R programming capabilities
  • Problem-solving skills that are second to none
  • Syntactic and semantic parsing are two types of parsing.
  • Pipelines for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) knowledge
  • Communication abilities that are strong in order to interact effectively within the organization
