What are the main features of SOA?

  • SOA divides corporate functions into services (endpoints) that are made network accessible so that users may mix and reuse them in their applications.

  • SOA services can be written in a variety of languages and operating systems as long as they adhere to the SOA principles.

  • Services are loosely coupled, unconnected entities that do not rely on each other for complete functionality. Instead of calling each other from their source code, services utilize specified protocols that explain how they pass and interpret messages using description information.

  • Orchestration is a process in which business functionality from multiple services is integrated with a completely aware system of all accessible services and the metadata that identifies and characterizes these services.

1: Service loose Coupling: THis means that the service does not have a high dependency. Like the services which do not depend on other services. So, if the service functionality changes, it should not break the client application or stop it from working.

2: Service reusability: Same services can be reused multiple numbers of times. Once the code for the service is written it should have the ability to work with various application.

3: Service Statelessness: Doesn’t store any data related to the services or u can say it does not maintain any data.

4: Service discoverability: Whatever service we create, as a service provider. we must upload it on the service registry, After it is uploaded then we have to apply to IIPA. They check the service registry then it will be made discoverable.

5: Service Abstraction: Hiding the information from other services. The service should not expose how it executes its functionality.