What are the email length best practices to keep in mind?

Below, you’ll find the ideal lengths of four basic email elements. Also included are brief explanations supporting these email length best practices.

Remember these ideal lengths aren’t unbreakable rules. However, best practices exist for a reason.

You’ll rarely come across instances where you’ll find it more beneficial to go with an unusual length for an email element. The only exception might be email copy, as some marketing emails should be length by design—such as story-based [donation requestsor seasonal [newsletters.

1. The ideal subject line length is between 28 to 50 characters.

Before you start writing your subject lines, examine your email list. Are most of your subscribers using smartphones? If so, which devices are the most popular? How many of your subscribers use their desktop to open your marketing emails? Campaign Monitor offers [email client usage reportsthat show our customers this exact information.

If you don’t have access to similar reports, you may want to default to writing for mobile screens. After all, email opens via smartphone[ increased by almost 35%]from 2011 to 2018. Mobile devices opened a whopping 61% of all emails in 2018.

A shorter subject line is a safer bet if you’re catering to a mostly mobile audience. Start crafting email titles with a length of [28 to 39 characters. The narrower ranger may result in improved open rates.
The subject line of the above email: “Add this bold coat to every look.” With 32 characters in seven words, this Banana Republic email’s title is a keeper. This length is also ideal for emails read [using portrait view on iPhones

Another study by Backlinko asserts that slightly longer email titles may improve response rates. Their recommended subject line length is [from 36 to 50 characters.Email titles falling in this range outperformed shorter ones—15 characters maximum—by more than 30%.

Other than response rates, another concern when it comes to subject lines is how it appears on a screen. Will your email title show completely or will it be [too long to display unbroken not to worry. Campaign Monitor has an [Inbox Preview feature that allows you to see how your subject lines will appear on all devices and email clients.

The ideal preheader text length is between 40 to 100 characters.

If you’re still not using preheaders, it’s time to get on the bandwagon. There’s no reason to pass on a feature that allows you to pack more details into your emails. Most email clients [support preheader text the only exceptions being Lotus Notes 8.5 and Outlook iterations before 2013.

Some email marketers make it a habit to keep preheaders short—about 40 to 50 characters—to make sure they’re unobtrusive and don’t conflict with the main email layouts. However, you can craft preheaders [between 85 and 100 characters if you have more to say.

The ideal email copy length is between 50 to 125 words.

You might think 125 words isn’t enough to fully convey a marketing message. That could be the case sometimes, but the fact remains: brief copy performs better.

Email copy between 50 to 25 words typically results in [response rates over 50% Don’t make it too short, though. An email with 25 words may perform the same as messages with 500 to 2000 words, averaging a response rate of less than 45%.

The ideal CTA length is between two to five words.

The CTA should be the easiest to digest out of all your email’s elements. Make it short and sweet.

As email length best practices go, this is a no-brainer. CTAs should be action oriented. They’re usually presented in larger, brighter and eye-catching fonts. It makes sense to let design speak more than the actual words.
I hope you find this information helpful…see you on the next topic