What are the different services provided by the Operating system to the user?

Following is the list of various services offered by the Operating system to the user :

  1. Program Execution & Creation - The OS is responsible for the execution of all types of programs whether it be user programs or system programs. It utilizes various resources available for the efficient running of all types of functionalities.
  2. I/O Control - i.e, from the keyboard, mouse, desktop, etc. The Operating System does all interfacing in the most appropriate manner regarding all kinds of Inputs and Outputs. For example, there is a difference in the nature of all types of peripheral devices such as mice or keyboards, the Operating System is responsible for handling data between them.
  3. Accounting - It tracks an account of all the functionalities taking place in the computer system at a time. All the details such as the types of errors that occurred are recorded.
  4. Security - Using password protection to protect user data and similar other techniques. it also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.
  5. Error Detection and Response - It is responsible for the detection of any type of error or bugs that can occur while any task. The well-secured OS sometimes also acts as a countermeasure for preventing any sort of breach to the Computer System from any external source and probably handling them.
  6. File Management - Making decisions regarding the storage of all types of data or files, i.e, floppy disk/hard disk/pen drive, etc. The Operating System decides how the data should be manipulated and stored.
  7. Communication - Coordinate and assign interpreters, compilers, assemblers, and other software to the various users of the computer systems.
  8. Resource Allocation - Ensures the proper use of all the resources available by deciding which resource to be used by whom for how much time. All the decisions are taken by the Operating System.
  9. Provisioning GUI - acts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user and the computer hardware by providing interactive interface like icons, cursors and editors