What are the best books to learn Back End Development?

Beginners may find it difficult to grasp the fundamentals of back-end web development if they do not have access to a suitable reference or book. There’s so much to learn about the backend, and so many frameworks or libraries are being released every week, that it’s difficult to know where to begin from scratch. The following are some of the books that can be referred to:

  • Head First Java: By Kathy Sierra’s, Bert Bates’: This is one of the best beginner-friendly and classic books for learning Java from the ground up, and it covers all of the fundamentals with appropriate illustrations and pictures. There are no prerequisites for reading this book.
  • Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++: By Bjarne Stroustrup: It was written by the creator of C++ and is suitable for complete beginners. Both generic and object-oriented programming are covered.
  • Learn Python The Hard Way: By Zed A. Shaw: The author has designed the exercises such that you must type code on your own and then correct any errors in your code.
