What Are The Benefits Of Using Facebook Ads Manager? (Part 5)

#1 – It Can Help You To Save Time & Money By Allowing You To Create A Campaign In One Place And Manage It Across Platforms
One of the best things about Facebook Ads Manager, when compared to Google AdWords, is that you can create a campaign, optimize it for different platforms and even track its progress all from one place. This helps minimize your costs and saves a lot of time, making it easier for you to manage your campaigns more efficiently.

#2 -It Can Help You Get More Website Visitors And Advertising While Improving The Quality Of Your Traffic
If you are using Google Adwords, most probably your ads will be displayed on third-party sites like AOL or Yahoo! Search engine results pages. The ads are shown to visitors who come directly to the main domain with a keyword query like “Buy gold” or “Sell cars.” Otherwise, you can also advertise on any of these two sites using the Google Adwords platform itself. While there are certainly several benefits that make Google AdWords stand out from other platforms, there are some drawbacks because most people do not click on your ad, which makes it hard for you to get the traffic you need. With Facebook Ads Manager, however, it’s much easier for you to increase traffic and at the same time improve the quality of your audience so that you can get better results than ever before.

#3 – It Can Help You Find Who Your Competitors Are
And How They Market Their Products
One of the most useful aspects of Facebook Ads Manager is that it allows you to get information about your competitors’ ads and campaigns so that you can compare them with your own. This helps in making better decisions and creating a campaign that will stand out from the crowd and achieve its objective.

#4 – It Can Help You To Keep Track Of Your Results And Analyze Them To Improve The Success Rate Of Your Campaigns In The Future
As mentioned earlier, one major benefit of using Facebook Ads Manager is that it provides you access to detailed reports on all aspects related to your campaigns, including clicks, impressions, demographics, etc. Here’s where we come back to finding who your target audience is because once you have access to all of this information, it becomes really easy for you to plan a campaign that will be more relevant and allow you to save money in the process.

#5 – It Can Help You Find New Customers For Your Business
Another great thing about Facebook Ads Manager is that it provides you with a massive audience to find new customers and give your business the boost that it needs. With more people visiting your website, there are always chances that some of them might end up buying what you offer or take another positive action after landing on your site, such as giving their email address or following you on social media sites like Twitter; Pinterest, Google Plus, etc.