What are the 3 C's in marketing?

The 3 C’s are:

  1. Company : You first need to know your company very well: define or learn the vision and the mission. The location. The logo. The organization and its culture. Finally the core product and value. A company needs to carefully evaluate both the short-term and long-term strategies to beat the competition and have a sustainable competitive advantage.

  2. Customers : Define your target audience. Deeply research the type of customer, their demographics, their spending power, their habits, and their needs. A common mistake that companies do is to consider the shareholders as their customers. Instead, the main focus should be on the customers as it is the customer who can improve the performance of the organization and can cause the failure of the organization.

  3. Competitors : To be successful, you need to know your market and especially your competitors. You want to learn how they operate, what marketing tactics they use, who their partners are, what financial position they are in, who their employees and customers are. You can learn from your competitors’ mistakes, model what works for them, discover from the new market opportunities.