What are some reasons for being rejected from Microsoft?

Like most other large corporations, Microsoft strives to provide a candidate-friendly and standardized interviewing process for all candidates. Every interview has ever been a part of required us to do some preparation work.

Now to answer the question, there can be two possible reasons for you being rejected that are as follows:

  • Either you had not prepared well for the interview/process
  • Either it is not your fault to start with.

As for the first reason is pretty clear you have to work harder and prepare more deeply for the role.

For the second reason, Occasionally, people make mistakes due to omission (not having your résumé on hand comes to mind) or ignorance.

That is to be anticipated, and I have never seen it done on purpose.

Poor or unfair experiences were sometimes remedied by organizing a second interview loop from the beginning.

Second, no matter how hard a huge corporation tries, each interviewer’s caliber, personality, and temperament are distinct. Thus, each encounter will remain unique, which I believe is positive. Even if it is a no-hire, this results in a wide range of experiences, most of which are ideally positive.