Some of the Reasoning Ability questions asked in Aptitude Round Questions asked in TCS campus placements are:
• A solid cube is painted blue on all its faces and is then cut into 343 smaller cubes.How many of these smaller cubes have none of their faces painted?
• What is the wrong number in the following series?
• In a certain code A%B means A is the brother of B, A&B means A is the mother of B, A@B means A is the daughter of B, A$B means A is the father of B, A#B means A is the sister of B.
• In a certain code, A % B means ‘A is the brother of B’, A & B means ‘A is the mother of B’, A @ B means ‘A is the daughter of B’, A $ B means ‘A is the father of B’ and A # B means ‘A is the sister of B’.
If K $ Z % U & H # N @ T, how is T related to U?
• If both companies A and B merge together to form company C, then what is the percentage of marketing and accounting employees in total employees of company C?
• Five Friends A, B,C, D, E are sitting in a line facing North. Who is sitting exactly in the middle?
I.C is sitting between A and B.E is at fourth place to the left of B.
II. E is sitting to the immediate left of D.C is to the immediate left of B.
• In a certain code, K*N means K is the brother of N, K+N means K is the husband of N, K x N means K is the mother of N and K ÷ N means K is the sister of N, then which of the following expressions means C is the daughter of Y.?