What are some point of differentiation between Fractal & Mu Sigma from Management and work Point of view?

Following are some points of differentiation between Mu Sigma & Fractal:


Fractal Analytics has an intelligent group of people at the top, but the middle management is subpar at best - this is anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.

While this is a problem at Mu Sigma (and most analytics firms in India), it is not as severe. Mu Sigma is a pretty tempting option for entry-level and mid-level managers who are not as salary sensitive as analysts but are looking for long-term career progression due to its larger and stronger brand.

Work Culture

Fractal Analytics also makes an effort to portray itself as an excellent place to work. It has an internal job posting system, allowing analysts to select the projects they want to work on.

The concept’s success has yet to be demonstrated, and there are rumors that Fractal executives are not enthusiastic about these job posts because they have other ramifications in convincing clients that they will be working with reliable teams.

In that regard, Mu Sigma is significantly more customer-centric.

Mu Sigma tries to retain some consistency and fosters client-analyst connections that can assist extend engagements, so you will often see longer tenure on the same projects there.