What are some of the interview questions asked to an NLP engineer?

• Most applicants for Natural Language Processing positions are unaware of the types of questions they would be asked during the interview. While it goes without saying that knowing the fundamentals of NLP is a prerequisite, it is also a good idea to prepare for NLP interview questions that are particular to the organization and what it does.
• The following are some of the questions that can be asked during an interview:

  • What do you mean by Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
  • What is the meaning of stop words in NLP?
  • Can you state two examples of NLP that we face in real-life?
  • What is Syntactic and Semantic Analysis?
  • Explain parsing and how can it be done.
  • Explain Stemming. Can you state an example for the same?
  • What is Dependency Parsing in NLP?
  • Can you explain the difference between NLP and CI with the help of a suitable example?
