Starting a discussion is a good idea, but it isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is to take part in the topic and be RELEVANT, to listen to others, and to manage the conversation wisely. Start the debate if you have a good understanding of the subject; if not, wait for others to do so.
The following are some of the Group Discussion topics assigned during the campus placement process of Deloitte:
Will corruption reduce post demonetization?
Digital India?
Automation: Boon or Bane
Role of ethics in business
Make in India: pros and cons
GST Bill: pros and cons
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Success or Failure
One India; One Election
Gender Neutral Parental Leave – Pros and Cons
Beef Ban?
Will India Become a Superpower By 2025
China’s Support for Pakistan
Housewife vs working women
Modi’s Surgical strike on Pakistan