What are some good Java Developer projects for Beginners?

Notebook & Password Vault:

  • In today’s digital world, password management and note-taking are two of the most disregarded virtual activities. New tools for memo and identity and access management are continually being added by various companies.
  • As a result, rather than creating and maintaining two separate programs in your systems, you will create a single app that can execute both of these tasks.

Email Application:

  • The Email Application project is ideal for you if you still need more java coding practice. This project is more complicated than the last one, but it is still a beginner’s project.
  • The wonderful thing about this project is that you’ll be given requirements much like you would for a real-world project. You’ll also learn how to leverage OOPs concepts like encapsulation, as well as how to generate a unique password using the Math.random function. Set the mailbox limit, set the backup email, reset the password, and other common email functions will be coded in this simple email application.

Airline Reservation System:

  • This Java software is used by airlines to reserve seats. For each flight, a database will be used to track the number of available seats, flight details, arriving and time of departure, cities, and rates.
  • You can skip the money processing option if you’re working on a starter project. However, there ought to be a dummy model for payment processing and cancellation.