What are some good aspects to work in oracle?

The following answer is given by the company’s ex-employee, and the answer is from his point of view.

Oracle was where I spent the majority of my career. It was, in fact, my first job after graduating. It had an important impact on me and my expectations. Here are some of the highlights:

  • It was my first time working remotely (but still in an office), and Oracle made it simple. Even though I was remote, my manager was incredibly kind and mentored me. The majority of the other employees I worked with also worked remotely, but everything was still manageable. The importance of global collaboration cannot be forced.

  • Working from home was not popular in 2008, at least not in Indonesia. On the other hand, my boss permitted me to work from home two days a week. Thanks to a VPN and a central platform for collaboration, it was a breeze. Flexibility is a crucial point.