What are some Artificaial Intelligence project recommendations for advance level?

Artificial Intelligence is being quickly adopted by companies to solve various problems and improve the user experience by providing better services and learning from the consumer pattern. Thus, in order to increase the employability and learn new things, building complex models and algorithms can help recruiters know about your potential. Some of the suggestions for advance level projects are as:

  • Differentiate the music genre from an audio file
  • Image reconstruction by using an occluded scene
  • Identify human emotions through pictures
  • Banking Bot
  • Heart Disease prediction project
  • Personality Prediction System via Cv analysis
  • Online Assignment Plagiarism Checker
  • Facial emotion recognition and detection
  • Voice Based virtual Assistant
  • Fake Product Reviewing System
  • Learn to Drive Reinforcement System
  • Automatic Attendance System
  • Price Negotiator Bot
  • Handwritten Recognition
  • Spoiler Blocker Extension
  • Lane Line Detection