What are Semantic Tags in HTML?

The semantic elements are elements with a meaning, it clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. It provides information about the contents of those tags that goes beyond just how they look on a page. Text that is enclosed in the <code> tag is immediately recognized by the browser as some type of coding language. Instead of trying to render that code, the browser understands that you are using that text as an example of the code for the purposes of an article or online tutorial.

  • The header tag consists introductory content or a set of navigation links. The header element typically contains one or more heading elements i.e., **<h1><h6>** or it may represent a logo or a icon, or authorship of information.

  • The section tag defines a section in a document. It has many article tags inside it.

  • The article tag specifies independent self-contained content

  • The aside tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in.

  • The footer tag defines a footer document or a section. We define copyrights, who designed the website etc.