What are Gradients in CSS?

CSS gradients let you display smooth transitions between two or more specified colors.

CSS defines three types of gradients:

  • Linear Gradients (goes down/up/left/right/diagonally)
  • Radial Gradients (defined by their center)

CSS Linear Gradients:

To create a linear gradient, you must define at least two color stops. Color stops are the colors you want to render smooth transitions among. You can also set a starting point and a direction (or an angle) along with the gradient effect.


background-image: linear-gradient (direction, color-stop1, color-stop2, ...);

CSS Radial Gradients:

A radial gradient is defined by its center. To create a radial gradient, you must also define at least two color stops.


background-image: radial-gradient(shape size at position, start-color, ..., last-color);

By default, the shape is an ellipse, the size is farthest-corner, and the position is center.