Operator | Description |
+ | It is known as concatenation operator used to join the strings given either side of the operator. |
* | It is known as repetition operator. It concatenates the multiple copies of the same string. |
[] | It is known as slice operator. It is used to access the sub-strings of a particular string. |
[:] | It is known as range slice operator. It is used to access the characters from the specified range. |
in | It is known as membership operator. It returns if a particular sub-string is present in the specified string. |
not in | It is also a membership operator and does the exact reverse of in. It returns true if a particular substring is not present in the specified string. |
r/R | It is used to specify the raw string. Raw strings are used in the cases where we need to print the actual meaning of escape characters such as “C://python”. To define any string as a raw string, the character r or R is followed by the string. |
% | It is used to perform string formatting. It makes use of the format specifiers used in C programming like %d or %f to map their values in python. We will discuss how formatting is done in python. |
Consider the following example to understand the real use of Python operators.
str = "Hello"
str1 = " world"
print(str*3) # prints HelloHelloHello
print(str+str1)# prints Hello world
print(str[4]) # prints o
print(str[2:4]); # prints ll
print('w' in str) # prints false as w is not present in str
print('wo' not in str1) # prints false as wo is present in str1.
print(r'C://python37') # prints C://python37 as it is written
print("The string str : %s"%(str)) # prints The string str : Hello
Hello world
The string str : Hello