What are 6 data types in python?

The classification or categorizing of data elements is referred to as data types. It defines the kind of data that specifies which operations may be done on a given piece of data. Because everything in Python programming is an object, data types are essentially classes, and variables are instances (objects) of such classes.
Python’s standard or built-in data types are as follows:

  1. Numbers
  2. String
  3. List
  4. Tuple
  5. Dictionary
  6. Set

1. Numbers
A Number class object is formed when a number is assigned to a variable.

var a = 100, var b = 200 , var are numeric objects where the numbers are allocated.
Four different forms of numeric data may be stored in the Number:

  • int
  • long
  • float
  • complex

2. String
The string is specified as the set of characters enclosed by quotation marks. The string can be quoted in Python using single, double, or triple quotes. Python has several built-in operators and functions that make it simple to work with string data types.

3. List
A list is a combination of distinct sorts of components. The list can be modified (editable). It is similar to arrays in C, except the list holds components of multiple data types. To make a list, use [] square brackets; in these brackets, store all of the entries separated by commas (,).

4. Tuple
Tuples also hold a collection of components of various data kinds. A tuple is similar to a list, except a tuple is immutable, meaning that the size and value of the entries cannot be changed. To make a tuple, use the () simple parenthesis; in these brackets, save all the members separated by commas (,).

5. Dictionary
The dictionary is also kept as a collection of several data types components in the form of key pairs. It is ordered, changeable, and holds a collection of unique keys. To make a set, apply the same curly brackets as a set; in these brackets, all the elements (key-value pair) are separated by a comma (,).

6. Set
A set is similar to a list and a tuple, even though it is immutable (non-editable or cannot change the size and value of the members), unordered, and holds only distinct elements. To form a set, use curly brackets, which include all of the items separated by commas (,).