Vertical Sum in Binary Tree (Space Optimized)

Hello Everyone,

Given a Binary Tree, find vertical sum of the nodes that are in same vertical line. Print all sums through different vertical lines.

Below is algorithm.

1) Create a node of doubly linked list node with value 0. Let the node be llnode.
2) verticalSumDLL(root, llnode)

verticalSumDLL(tnode, llnode)
1) Add current node’s data to its vertical line = +;
2) Recursively process left subtree
// If left child is not empty if (tnode.left != null) {
if (llnode.prev == null) { llnode.prev = new LLNode(0); = llnode; }
verticalSumDLLUtil(tnode.left, llnode.prev) ;
3) Recursively process right subtree
if (tnode.right != null) { if ( == null) { = new LLNode(0); = llnode;
verticalSumDLLUtil(tnode.right, ;


/// C++ program of space optimized solution

/// to find vertical sum of binary tree.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

/// Tree node structure

struct TNode{

int key;

struct TNode *left, *right;


/// Function to create new tree node

TNode* newTNode( int key)


TNode* temp = new TNode;

temp->key = key;

temp->left = temp->right = NULL;

return temp;


/// Doubly linked list structure

struct LLNode{

int key;

struct LLNode *prev, *next;


/// Function to create new Linked List Node

LLNode* newLLNode( int key)


LLNode* temp = new LLNode;

temp->key = key;

temp->prev = temp->next = NULL;

return temp;


/// Function that creates Linked list and store

/// vertical sum in it.

void verticalSumDLLUtil(TNode *root, LLNode *sumNode)


/// Update sum of current line by adding value

/// of current tree node.

sumNode->key = sumNode->key + root->key;

/// Recursive call to left subtree.

if (root->left)


if (sumNode->prev == NULL)


sumNode->prev = newLLNode(0);

sumNode->prev->next = sumNode;


verticalSumDLLUtil(root->left, sumNode->prev);


/// Recursive call to right subtree.

if (root->right)


if (sumNode->next == NULL)


sumNode->next = newLLNode(0);

sumNode->next->prev = sumNode;


verticalSumDLLUtil(root->right, sumNode->next);



/// Function to print vertical sum of Tree.

/// It uses verticalSumDLLUtil() to calculate sum.

void verticalSumDLL(TNode* root)


/// Create Linked list node for

/// line passing through root.

LLNode* sumNode = newLLNode(0);

/// Compute vertical sum of different lines.

verticalSumDLLUtil(root, sumNode);

/// Make doubly linked list pointer point

/// to first node in list.

while (sumNode->prev != NULL){

sumNode = sumNode->prev;


/// Print vertical sum of different lines

/// of binary tree.

while (sumNode != NULL){

cout << sumNode->key << " " ;

sumNode = sumNode->next;



int main()




/ \

/ \

2 3

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

4 5 6 7


TNode *root = newTNode(1);

root->left = newTNode(2);

root->right = newTNode(3);

root->left->left = newTNode(4);

root->left->right = newTNode(5);

root->right->left = newTNode(6);

root->right->right = newTNode(7);

cout << "Vertical Sums are\n" ;


return 0;


Output :

Vertical Sums are 4 2 12 3 7