Hi guys I hope you all are doing pretty well and I’m just writing this super random but very important blog post for your reference to maybe I’ll lift you to make you feel more confident.
So recently I switched my job from management consultancy to diagnostic and healthcare company and also got a promotion to a managerial level. Being at a managerial level in this startup I am hiring and taking interviews for potential members in my team. This is the first time in my career that instead of giving a lot of interviews I am taking a lot of them. Being on the other side of the table this time I realize that most of the people who apply for jobs and giving their interviews do not understand their importance and self-worth.
We are always under the impression that it is us who need the job, it is us who are desperate for the job and it is us who wants to quickly onboard that available opportunity.
However, we forget to understand or to realize that the company/organisation is also looking for really nice, competitive and qualified people. That the organization is also desperate to get the individuals and close the job opening as soon as possible; that HR is also desperate to fulfil the demands placed by the business teams for the new human resources they are also under desperate requirements of finding the right people.
So if you have gone through the job opening very carefully and if you know that you are the right person for the given job and if you have done your homework very well and you are prepared for the job and if you got the requisite skills and you are ready to conquer the job then I don’t see any goddamn reason for you to be desperate, needy, greedy and scared for the job.
The correct attitude that you should go with is that “I know what they are looking for and I have got the skills and I also know the complete requirements for the vacancy under consideration and I bring those skills on the table then why I have why the f*** am I scared to give the God damn interview.”
Don’t underestimate and short change yourself for job. It’s a simple economic contract. They want somebody to do some work and you can do that work and for that work, they are paying you with the agreed amount of money as simple as f****** that. There is no need to be scared and there is no need to be greedy. Don’t assume that you are just going to take something from them, correct way to assume is that you’re going for the job and you are getting paid for it you going for providing a set of services to the company.
Once you realize this, you will be confident and once you’re confident backed by the skills and the required knowledge as per the JD, then the job is done already. The second part consists of connecting the dots. Connecting your CV with the job.
I hope you like this small rant post and if you like it I please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or something. I’ll see you in the next blog post. Sometime later.