The coefficients defining the quality of design

Functionality is one of the most important features of well-designed products. For sure, every one of us has been in situations when we had to deal with products which, although they looked great, didn’t work properly or do what they said on the packet and sometimes they even created problems instead of solving them.
Aesthetics can be described as the first contact on the user-product line. This is a feature that can “hijack” the consumer with an appearance that dazzles and excites. It speaks in shapes and fascinates. It is on way of evaluating a product.
Intuition clearly defines the product function while also allowing the purpose of the product to be read and correctly understood without recourse to an instuction manual. A product design that allows the user to use and understand the product is intuitive.
Simplicity is one of the hardest things to achieve. As John Maeda said: “it’s all about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful”. It’s a complex and a thoughtful process but still worth developing. Products that fall within this category, while characteristic and memorable, can also manipulate customers via form over content and persuade them to buy simple products even though they can turn out to be more expensive…
User-centered design. A project based on this idea can boost user attention and satisfaction. It’s a simple framework which can help you create optimal products dedicated for specific target groups.