Program for nth Catalan Number

Hello Everyone,

Catalan numbers are a sequence of natural numbers that occurs in many interesting counting problems like following.

  1. Count the number of expressions containing n pairs of parentheses which are correctly matched. For n = 3, possible expressions are ((())), ()(()), ()()(), (())(), (()()).
  2. Count the number of possible Binary Search Trees with n keys.
  3. Count the number of full binary trees. A rooted binary tree is full if every vertex has either two children or no children) with n+1 leaves.
  4. Given a number n, return the number of ways you can draw n chords in a circle with 2 x n points such that no 2 chords intersect.

Recursive Solution
Catalan numbers satisfy the following recursive formula.

Following is the implementation of above recursive formula.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// A recursive function to find nth catalan number

unsigned long int catalan(unsigned int n)


// Base case

if (n <= 1)

return 1;

// catalan(n) is sum of

// catalan(i)*catalan(n-i-1)

unsigned long int res = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++)

res += catalan(i)

* catalan(n - i - 1);

return res;


// Driver code

int main()


for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

cout << catalan(i) << " " ;

return 0;



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Time complexity of above implementation is equivalent to nth catalan number.

The value of nth catalan number is exponential that makes the time complexity exponential.

Dynamic Programming Solution : We can observe that the above recursive implementation does a lot of repeated work (we can the same by drawing recursion tree). Since there are overlapping subproblems, we can use dynamic programming for this. Following is a Dynamic programming based implementation .

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// A dynamic programming based function to find nth

// Catalan number

unsigned long int catalanDP(unsigned int n)


// Table to store results of subproblems

unsigned long int catalan[n + 1];

// Initialize first two values in table

catalan[0] = catalan[1] = 1;

// Fill entries in catalan[] using recursive formula

for ( int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

catalan[i] = 0;

for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++)

catalan[i] += catalan[j] * catalan[i - j - 1];


// Return last entry

return catalan[n];


// Driver code

int main()


for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

cout << catalanDP(i) << " " ;

return 0;



1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429 1430 4862

Time Complexity: Time complexity of above implementation is O(n2)