Power BI Report Server

Power BI Report Server is an on-premises report server with a web portal in which you display and manage reports and KPIs. Along with it come to the tools to create Power BI reports, mobile reports, paginated reports, and KPIs. Users can access those reports in different ways: viewing them on a web browser on any device, or as an email in their inbox.

Power BI Report Server

Power BI Report Server is a specific edition of SQL Server Reporting Services that can host Power BI reports. For running Power BI Report Server, you don?t need to have SQL Server installation disk; the Report Server already comes with its setup files. You can download set up files. Power BI report server can host Power BI Reports as well as Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports.

With Power BI report server, there will be an instance of Power BI Desktop installation. The Power BI Desktop edition that comes with the report server should be used to create Power BI reports. Otherwise, reports cannot be hosted on the report server. The Power BI Desktop report server edition is regularly updated, and its experience will be very similar to the Power BI Desktop.

You can download the latest edition of Power BI report server from the below link. https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/report-server/

You need two installation items such as Power BI report server and Power BI desktop report server edition (in 32 bit and 64-bit versions).