Phases of image processing

1.ACQUISITION – It could be as simple as being given an image which is in digital form. The main work involves:
a) Scaling
b) Color conversion(RGB to Gray or vice-versa)
2.IMAGE ENHANCEMENT – It is amongst the simplest and most appealing in areas of Image Processing it is also used to extract some hidden details from an image and is subjective.
3.IMAGE RESTORATION – It also deals with appealing of an image but it is objective(Restoration is based on mathematical or probabilistic model or image degradation).
4.COLOR IMAGE PROCESSING – It deals with pseudocolor and full color image processing color models are applicable to digital image processing.
5.WAVELETS AND MULTI-RESOLUTION PROCESSING – It is foundation of representing images in various degrees.
6.IMAGE COMPRESSION -It involves in developing some functions to perform this operation. It mainly deals with image size or resolution.
7.MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESSING -It deals with tools for extracting image components that are useful in the representation & description of shape.
8.SEGMENTATION PROCEDURE -It includes partitioning an image into its constituent parts or objects. Autonomous segmentation is the most difficult task in Image Processing.
9.REPRESENTATION & DESCRIPTION -It follows output of segmentation stage, choosing a representation is only the part of solution for transforming raw data into processed data.
10.OBJECT DETECTION AND RECOGNITION -It is a process that assigns a label to an object based on its descriptor.