Title of Page: Find a catchy title for your most relevant to your topic, and backlinks pointing towards that particular article could easily be found on search engines. You can use any title tags such as H1, H2, H3, but it’s suggested to use only 1 H1 tag in the head section. The rest should be used as subheadings or subheadings (H2 &H3). Remember never to stuff the title with unnecessary keywords, as Google might penalize you for spamming.
Page Description: though Google is trying to bring image search in its next update, at the moment, you still have space for description with images on the right side of SERP (Search Engine Result Page). It’s good to put your keywords or tagline in this section. An important point would be that even if you are not using images, then try to provide a short and precise description of your page topic which should not be more than 150 words.
Content Quality: Search engines want users to find what they want within few seconds, so always write high-quality content without wasting time on keyword stuffing or putting excessive numbers of anchor text pointing towards other pages, e.g., link building, and most important don’t use automated content generator software or tools to generate the article. Always try to write human-readable and natural content which is easily understandable rather than just stuffing keywords in it.
Keywords: No one likes duplicate content, so make sure you add different variations of your target keyword phrase on the page, e.g., if you want to rank for a particular keyword, then don’t use the same word as anchor text (Text that appears as a link) in all links pointing towards that page e.g., different pages of like Blogroll, Free RSS feeds, etc. should have a variation of that particular word but not precisely same, i.e., It’s good practice when we are talking about descriptive words and phrases to put some white spaces between them like this “keyword phrase” instead of this “keyword phrase.”
Internal Linking: Internal linking is essential as it not only pass link popularity or anchor text power towards your targeted pages but also helps in giving more meaning and context to the page you are reading. In simple terms, when you are writing an article on a particular topic, always provide links with relevant words, e.g., related times, synonyms, etc., so that the user finds your helpful page even if he isn’t looking for what you have written about on the page. This is called the white hat technique, and Google loves it