Neural networks flourished in the mid-1980s due to their parallel and distributed processing ability. But research in this field was impeded by the ineffectiveness of the back-propagation training algorithm that is widely used to optimize the parameters of neural networks. Support vector machines (SVM) and other simpler models, which can be easily trained by solving convex optimization problems, gradually replaced neural networks in machine learning.
In recent years, new and improved training techniques such as unsupervised pre-training and layer-wise greedy training have led to a resurgence of interest in neural networks. Increasingly powerful computational capabilities, such as graphical processing unit (GPU) and massively parallel processing (MPP), have also spurred the revived adoption of neural networks. The resurgent research in neural networks has given rise to the invention of models with thousands of layers.
A neural network in SAS Visual Analytics
In other words, shallow neural networks have evolved into deep learning neural networks. Deep neural networks have been very successful for supervised learning. When used for speech and image recognition, deep learning performs as well as, or even better than, humans. Applied to unsupervised learning tasks, such as feature extraction, deep learning also extracts features from raw images or speech with much less human intervention.
A neural network consists of three parts: input layer, hidden layers and output layer. The training samples define the input and output layers. When the output layer is a categorical variable, then the neural network is a way to address classification problems. When the output layer is a continuous variable, then the network can be used to do regression. When the output layer is the same as the input layer, the network can be used to extract intrinsic features. The number of hidden layers defines the model complexity and modeling capacity.