Mention different types of keyword matches?

Mention different types of keyword matches ?

Keyword match types are parameters that can be set on your keywords to control which searches trigger your ads to appear.
These are five different keyword match types in AdWords:

  • Broad match: (max reach, min relevance)

  • Modified Broad match: (slightly lower reach, greater relevance)

  • Phrase match: (medium reach, medium relevance)

  • Exact match: (min reach, max relevance)

  • Negative match: (usually used to increase the relevance of the website visitors)

Keyword Match Types defines how closely the keyword needs to match with the user’s search query in order for the ad to appear on SERP.

Below are the Google Keyword Match Types:

  1. Broad Match
  2. Modified Broad Match
  3. Phrase Match
  4. Exact Match

Broad Match Type: Broad match is the default match type and the one that reaches the widest audience. In this match type, whenever a user’s search query includes any word of our keyword in any order, our ad is eligible to appear. For Example, If our keyword is “Buy Dumbbells Online”, then our ad is eligible to appear for search queries like “Buy Shoes Online”, “Dumbbells Price”, etc.
Here, Broad match ads are set up to reach the widest possible audience, searchers might see and click our ad when querying irrelevant topics, and these costs can add up surprisingly fast. So it is the best way to get more clicks or more traffic on the website but also do regular monitor search query reports to ensure that they’re not paying for irrelevant traffic. This is a two edges sword. It can give high clicks but also it may lead to irrelevant traffic.

Modified Broad Match: Modified broad match is the same as broad match type but has more control than broad match. It works by adding a ‘+’ sign in front of words in a keyword phrase. For Example, If our keyword is “+Black +Shoes”, then our ad is eligible to appear for “Black shoe”, “Red Shoes”, etc. Here our ad appears for Close variants including misspellings, singular/plural forms, abbreviations, and acronyms, and stemming.

Phrase Match: In Phrase Match, our ad appears only against keywords that include our phrase. It works by adding a keyword in this ‘’ " sign. For Example, If our keyword is “Sports Shoes”, then our ad is eligible to appear for “Sports Shoes”, “Best Sports Shoes” etc. and our ad is not eligible to appear for “Tennis Shoes”. Order of words is important in Phrase match type.

Exact Match: Exact Match keywords are allowed to reach a specific high intent audience with specific keywords. It works by adding keywords in this [ ] sign. For Example, If our keyword is [Sport Shoes], then our ad is eligible to appear for “Sports Shoes”, “Sports Shoe” etc. and our ad is not eligible to appear for “Sports Shoes for men”. This can give us very targeted traffic and can limit our spends