List of Digital Marketing Interview Questions From Top Companies (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft)

Here are a few samples of interview questions from Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft to give you a sense of what top firms are looking for in digital marketing candidates.

  • Tell me about a moment when you received harsh criticism for your work performance. What was your reaction?
  • Tell me about a situation when you had to solve a challenge with confusing requirements. Please walk me through your procedure.
  • Have you ever used Google AdWords in your previous job?
  • How would you go about increasing the adpting of a new feature or product?
  • What tactics for acquiring new business would you employ to get new accounts?
  • Tell me about a situation when you and your boss disagreed on something?
  • What aspects of our website would you like to see improved?
  • What methods would you use to boost conversion rates?
  • Demonstrate one of your digital marketing strategies to me. What was the organization, implementation, execution, and reporting like?
  • What is a product or service you believe is well-marketed?
  • Tell me about a situation when you had to cope with a conflict and how you handled it.
  • Tell me about a situation when you collaborated across departments.