Is there any major difference between SCSS and CSS?
- SCSS is more expressive – SCSS uses less amount of lines in its code than CSS, which make the code load faster.
- It encourages proper nesting of rules – Standard CSS doesn’t support nesting. We can’t write a class inside another class. As the project gets bigger, this brings a readability problem and the structure doesn’t look nice.
- Syntax – The syntax of SCSS contains indentations that are missing in CSS.
- SCSS allows the user to write better inline documentation – SASS is flexible with comments, but any good developer will prefer inline documentation which is available in SCSS. Inline documentation makes the lines of code self-explanatory.
- Better Functionality – With the help of SCSS, we can add more functionality to the code in the form of variable, selectors, and nesting which is not present in CSS.
- Customizing Bootstrap – Having knowledge of SCSS helps in customizing Bootstrap 4.
- Mathematical Operations – SCSS allows us to do math using operators. We can perform simple calculations inside our code for better output.