Is Digital Marketer a good career?

  • Yes, digital marketing is a lucrative profession. In truth, there are numerous advantages to working as a digital marketer. More businesses realize the benefits of digital marketing, including digital marketing skills training.
  • In reality, top organizations are spending much more on digital marketing skills training and education, according to a 2020 digital trends survey done by Adobe and Econsultancy.
  • Because of their specialized skill set, Digital Marketers typically earn a significant premium on their salaries compared to their peers in other fields. This increased demand and investment translate into more opportunities and perks for Digital Marketers, including better job security, the ability to travel and work abroad or from home, better advancement opportunities, and even higher pay.
  • Yes, Digital Marketers are in high demand in every industry. While marketing is a well-established field, there is a significant skills gap in the digital realm.
  • The need for digital marketing specialists increases year over year; according to a recent Bullhorn poll, 71% of responding hiring managers struggled to locate marketing and creative employees talented enough to fill their job openings.