Is degree important for a job?

Is degree important for a job?

Yes it is essential. If you are applying for a higher post then yes degree is essential. At least to provide Auntheticity to the skills that you possses.
There are some reputed organization which do not look for degree but look for skills but reaching those companies require alot of efforts. You need to show your skills at number of platforms.
Harsh truth is that yes you need to have education even if you posses skills

Take up the job you wish for in a startup but if its not too much of effort complete your degree as well.

Considering that you have already wasted so much of time learning shit which you will never use in the real world why not spend another month or so and just clear the damn thing. Keeps parents/relatives happy and does not harm your chances at job interviews either.

If you would have asked the same question while still in the first year of college i would have given a totally different opinion but since you are already at the fag end, why not just get the thing done with?