Any person visits your site than they have reason, without reason there may be a visitor but very minute chance of becoming a customer. So a good content gives the visitor a reason to visit your site leads them to engage on your site and become your customer.
· First of all good content describes the visitor about the kind of your business or industry. If content writer has well knowledge about his target audience and he is able to answer the basic questions of visitors and your content has enough capability to convince the visitor about the product or services provided, then there are lots of chances for his conversion from visitor to a customer.
· A good content writing is useful for search engine optimisation that is, making rank of the site higher. Creating content and posting to your website is the best way to reach your potential customers. In the initial phase the content writer has to search the keywords that will help him to reach him his audience. Once they well set keywords they have traffic to their sites, the writer could create content around those content and optimize it for search engines like Google.