How would you use Twitter for business development?

  • Stay in the know. Twitter connects you and your business with what’s happening in the world every day. Learn the latest, real-time trends and invest in social listening. It’s also a great way to get a read on your brand’s public reputation.
  • Free business promotion. Build your brand awareness and grow your business by building a strong organic following. No money required.
  • Reach new audiences. By expanding your message on Twitter, you can connect and engage with new fans, network with partners, and identify influencers.
  • Start a conversation, or a movement. Conversations thrive on Twitter. Hear from your followers and get informal feedback by running polls and Tweeting questions. Bring awareness to a movement or point of view.
  • Experiment with tone. Twitter is known for being bold, and that’s not just limited to our audience. Play with your brand voice and messaging to see if they can be more human and conversational.

Twitter help you manage your business?

  • Build your following . Connect with your current customers, future fans, and loyal brand advocates on Twitter. Learn more about the [power of a strong Twitter following

  • Bring your launches to Twitter. Whether you’re launching a new product or a new sale, Twitter is the place to be to break your latest news. Learn more about [how Twitter can elevate your launches

  • Provide timely customer service. Keep an eye out for @mentions of your brand, create a dedicated customer service account, and provide fast service or personalized help through DMs.

  • Monitor your competition. Create [ to keep tabs on specific accounts, industries, and communities.

  • Leverage the power of ads. Twitter is free, but you can double down on your efforts and impact with Twitter Ads. Amplify your following, drive traffic to your website, increase app downloads, and more. I hope you find this information helpful…see you on the next topic