How to write if you are not a writer for LinkedIn Article?

In my experience, writing a first draft is by far the hardest part of the process. I have three words of advice: Just start writing. I wish there were a silver bullet. (There isn’t.) Set aside a specific time period—maybe an hour—when you can write without interruption. Schedule it on your calendar and don’t let anything else get in the way.

Have a case of writer’s block? Here are several questions to help you start brainstorming:

  • What’s the best career lesson you’ve learned?
  • What advice would you give to someone hoping to enter your field?
  • What are the current trends in your industry?
  • What will your industry look like in the future?
  • What’s going on in the news? Is there a story or event where you can provide insight?
  • What experience has most impacted your career?

When you first get started, don’t worry about whether the sentences flow or whether the pieces all fit. No one will ever read your first draft. (It’s OK if it totally sucks—that’s the reason it’s called a rough draft.) What you’re trying to say will get clearer as you go back through a second (and third) time to revise.

Once you think it’s solid, identify someone who’ll give you an honest and constructive evaluation. Ask her what resonated, what didn’t, and what suggestions she’s willing to offer.

Writers are often given cliché advice to write about what they know. While I agree that sharing personal experiences can strengthen a post, I think better advice is to write something that helps people in some way. It doesn’t matter if you’re helping someone become a better marketer, or learn about a new app, or feel less alone because you shared a common experience—the key is asking yourself if this article will make someone else’s day better in any way.