How to prepare for GK section of IIFT exam?

The unique aspect of the entrance exam for IIFT, the General Knowledge section, is termed as the toughest section by many of the students. On the other hand, a candidate, who has been well connected with everything going around, and had been vigilant enough to follow up those things in newspapers, current affairs magazines and discussion forums on portals and social media, will be looking forward to this section where he or she can make a difference at put themselves in the top percentile category.

Following are some of the most common yet useful tips to get your preparation for the GK section of the IIFT exam on track:

• Install the Inshort app in your smartphone or any other mobile device, which will provide you with important snippets of news articles across the sections, which you can make a note of.
• If the news is important and is bound to generate debate, it will for sure find its place in the editorial section of the newspapers or the cover issue of the current affairs magazines. Always go through them as they also tell you about the background, that might be useful in developing knowledge about some other thing.

• To cover static as well as the current affairs of a whole calendar year, many trusted publications in the market offer their year books or year review collections that have a collection of all the relevant happenings around the world and the nation, documented section and timeline wise.
• Don’t forget that you are applying for an institution that holds expertise in international trade and commerce as bot its foundation as well as its flagship course. Hence, knowledge about WTO, World Economic Forum, various Free Trade Agreements and Custom Unions that exist ( also try to find differences and similarities between a free trade area, a custom union and a common market zone) and India’s relations with the in treaties and partnerships.
• A very efficient technique to prepare for the GK section, specifically the static part goes through solving previous year question papers and mock tests which feature the static questions on similar lines and have a chance of getting revisited in the main exam itself.
• Always remember that this GK section will not only help you get through the entrance exam, but also further process like the essay and GD rounds to add facts and sharpness to your content and arguments. So take the approach both objectively and subjectively.

As you can see from the two previous year exams, the IIFT test contains a good mix of static General Knowledge and current events. The questions are realistic in nature and should be familiar to anyone who is reasonably well-informed (not just an MBA applicant).
The important topics that need to be covered are:
• Leaders of major organizations in India and around the world. In the IIFT GK section, questions on this issue have been raised regularly. The questions are usually focused on recent events or are asked in a Match the Following manner.
• Entrance exams frequently include questions about books and authors. We’ll go over a list of novels that have come out in the last several years in this blog article.
• Competitive examinations sometimes include questions about the highest, longest, tallest, largest, and smallest places. In this blog post, we’ll go over a list of some of the world’s and India’s most famous Longest, Largest, and Highest sites.
• Over the last few years, logos and images have become a feature of MBA entrance tests.