Group Discussion forms an integral part of the selection of a candidate in a TCS placement process. * Group Discussion topics range from current affairs, social issues, and questions of decisions taken on an international level or important policy changes.
- A candidate can best prepare for GD by keeping in touch with the happenings in the country as well as prominent events taking place in the world.
- A small diary can be prepared wherein the potential topics can be noted down.
- An important suggestion here would be to note down the points both in favor of and against any topic as it would help a candidate frame the arguments accordingly.
- Going through some basic statistics and macroeconomic factors comes in handy when the topic is related to the country.
- There are certain social topics that are always in question and form a great discussion topic. These topics have a high probability to be asked and reading up on them and forming arguments both for and against them proves helpful.
- The company has a bent towards providing topics that are based on certain parameters according to the roles that they are offering.
- It is necessary to go through the previous topics asked and prepare some topics along the same lines.