Tableau Heat Map
The heat map is used to visualize the data in the form of size and color on different measures.
Two different measures are visualized simultaneously using a heat map. One measure is assigned to size, whereas another measure is attached to the color of the heat map.
For example , consider the data source such as the Sample-Superstore and its dimensions and measures.
The procedure to create a heat map is given step by step as follows:
Step 1: First, go to the worksheet.
Step 2: Hold the Ctrl key in the keyboard.
Step 3: Select the dimension Sub-Category and measure Sales as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 4: Click on the " show me " button of the worksheet.
Step 5: And select the Heatmap icon, as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 6: Drag measure Profit and drop into the Color shelf under the Marks pane.
Step 7: Drag the dimension Region and drop into the column shelf.
After completing all the above steps, it creates the Heatmap , which is used to visualize the Sales field and Profit field across different the dimension.