How can I join the columns of 3 different tables in SQL ?
Select column 1,column 2,column 3…
from table 1 t1,
Table2 t2,
Table3 t3
Where t1.primarykey = t2.primarykey
And t1.primarykey= t3.primary key and condition of date range if applicable
you can do with multiple join also.
please go through this link and you will get to know-
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ou can join as many tables as you want, and they can be joined as a mix of INNER and OUTER joins. Just keep chaining the JOINs together with ON clauses that match .
Example 01
Select * from
TableA A
join TableB B on A.columna=B.columnb
join TableC C on B.columnd=C.columnc;
Select * from employees e
Join department d on e.department_id=d.department_id
Join location l on d.location_id=l.location_id;