How To Handle Multiple Job Offers

Receiving more than one job offer at the same time is an exciting prospect when you’re job hunting. However, this scenario can also be challenging and stressful for candidates. What to do? Which one should you take? How can you be sure you’re making the best decision?
First of all, stay calm and realize that this is a good thing. You have a choice to make, and you’ll be able to compare the jobs to determine which is the best fit.

Get the Facts About Each Job
Ideally, you will want to learn all there is to know about each opportunity so that you can conduct a comparative analysis with full information. You will also want to be careful not to turn off any of the employers or lead them to believe that you don’t place a high value on their offer.

Handled carefully, this is an opportunity to accept an offer for the job that’s best for you at this point in your career.

Whether you’re looking for more money, a flexible schedule or a different set of responsibilities you can contrast offers to help with your decision-making.

Options for Handling Multiple Job Offers
The following strategies will help you to make the best of this challenging and exciting situation:
Express Enthusiasm Without Saying “Yes.”
Any time you receive an attractive offer, express your high level of excitement and appreciation for the offer. Clarify when the employer needs to know your decision. Resist the impulse to accept on the spot if you have other attractive options to consider.

Get All the Information
If you receive multiple offers within the same deadline period for acceptance, your task will simply be to decide which option is preferable. Make sure you have all the information necessary about both options to make a rational choice. If not, reach out to the employer and seek clarification about any lingering uncertainties regarding benefits, advancement, working conditions, job content, supervision or any other questions you may have.