How to Focus on the Customer for social meia marketing?

Another big mistake retailers make is to use social media to talk about what is important to them rather than talking about what is important to the customer. [Retailers] who use [social media, for instance, may think it is great to spread the word about a sale. In some ways, this would be true, but if that’s the only reason you are getting involved in social media, it won’t be beneficial. Your goal should be to provide content that is relevant to your customer and engage with them to the point that they want to share your post with others.

If you use social media, you need to engage with your customers, involve them in a dialogue, and ask them for their opinions. Post a picture of two items you are considering carrying in your store and ask customers which one they like best. This creates a dialogue that leads to shared posts and engaged followers. Plus, if you successfully engage with your customers, it will help you better identify their tastes and preferences.