How to establish an Online Reputation Management Strategy?

Now when you know what the online landscape around your brand is, it is time to set up an online reputation management strategy. However, before we get into details about it, you have to get your priorities straight.

  • Set up your online reputation management goals: If it is about response time, it is wise to focus on platforms you have direct access to. You can filter out your mentions within the Brand Monitoring tool by these criteria and monitor those.
  • Define your boundaries and limitations: Review how many resources you can allocate for the ORM project. And keep in mind that this is an ongoing process. So be realistic in your assessment.
  • Prioritize your ORM by impact: Although you may feel like you have to deal with everything at the same time, be realistic about the scope of the job. Impact is the biggest criterion for your choice as you have to try and allocate your resources into the channels with the highest stakes for your business.
  • Prioritize tasks: Which tasks are critical and must be addressed first? There should be a plan for handling critical and challenging tasks. Choosing the easier tasks to get done first isn’t always the best option.

So, by considering these factors, you can create a matrix like the one below, and whatever channels appear within these criteria the most could be the ones you start your work on.
I hope you find this information helpful…see you on the next topic