How to embedded the dashboard and report in Power BI?

Power BI Embedded

The Power BI service (SaaS) and the Power BI Embedded service in Azure (PaaS) have APIs for embedding the dashboard and reports. When you are embedding the content, this gives you access to the latest Power BI features such as dashboards, gateways, and app workspaces.

There are two scenarios for embedding Power BI content:

  1. Embedding for organization’s users
    (Who have Power BI license) It allows us to extend the Power BI service. It requires your application’s user sign in to the Power BI service to view the content.
    After sign in, they only have access to dashboards and reports that they own or someone shared with them in the Power BI service.
  2. Embedding for users and customers
    It allows you to embed the dashboards and reports for users who don’t have a Power BI account. This type of embedding is also known as Power BI embedded.

Power BI Embedded has benefits for an ISV, their developers, and the customers. For example, an ISV can start creating the visuals for free with Power BI Desktop. By minimizing the visual analytic development efforts, ISVs achieve faster time to market and stand out from the competitors with differentiated data experiences. Also, ISVs can opt to charge a premium for the additional value they create with embedded analytics.

With Power BI Embedded, your customers don’t need to know anything about Power BI. You can use two different methods to create an embedded application:

  • Power BI Pro account
  • Service principle

The Power BI Pro account acts as the master account of your applications (think of it as a proxy account). This account allows generating embed tokens which provide access to your application’s Power BI dashboards and reports.

Service principle can embed Power BI content into an application using an app-only token. It also allows generating embed tokens which provide access to your application’s Power BI dashboards and reports.

Note: While embedding requires the Power BI service, customers do not need to have a Power BI account to view the application embedded content.