How to create Data filters in Tableau?

We can create filters on a data source, thereby reducing the amount of data in the data source. This feature is available to Creators when authoring in Tableau Online and Tableau Server.

The primary way to create a data source filter is from the data source page.

  1. On the data source page, click Add in the Filters section in the upper-right corner of the page.
  2. To create a data source filter on a worksheet, right-click (control-click on a Mac) the data source and choose Edit Data Source Filters.
  3. Whether you start from the Data Source page or from a worksheet, you see an Edit Data Source Filter dialog box, listing any existing data source filters.
  4. Click Add to open an Add Filter dialog box listing all fields in the data source.
  5. Click to select a field to filter; then specify how the field should be filtered, just as you would for a field on the Filters shelf.
  6. To add an additional data source filter, repeat this procedure.

Global filters and data source filters

When you create a data source filter, any global filters that use that data source are displayed automatically in the Edit Data Source Filters dialog box.

In Tableau Desktop, you can promote a global filter to be a data source filter. To promote the global filter to be a data source filter, click OK.

Important: Be aware that you do not need to select a global filter in the Edit Data Source Filters dialog box to promote it. When you click OK, all global filters in the list will be promoted.